Gina’s Weight Loss Blog

{July 16, 2007}   Weigh-in 7/15

– 1 lb.

Heading back in the right direction after last week’s gain of a 1/2 lb. Yay!

{July 5, 2007}   Food Log 7/5/07

Breakfast: ½ cup fruit (1pt), 2 hard boiled eggs (4 pts), 1 Diet Lipton White Tea (Raspberry) (0 pts)

16 oz of water before lunch

Lunch: Sliced chicken with bell peppers, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, ½ cup rice, ½ cup beans, 1 tsp guacamole, 1 tsp light sour cream. (6 pts), 6 tortilla chips, 2 oz. Salsa (3 pts), 8 oz water

Snack: Shape Shop Cinnamon Crispins (2 pts)

Dinner: 1 cup Shape Shop White Bean Chicken Chili (2 pts), 5 saltines (1 pt), Weight Watchers Yogurt (1pt), Caffeine free diet coke ( 0 pts).

More water!!!!!!!!!

Total: 20 pts.

{July 1, 2007}   Cheesy Chili-Mac

I made this for dinner tonight and it was delicious and easy!

Cheesy Chili-Mac 

Points: 6

Servings: 8

1 spray cooking spray

2/3 pound raw extra lean ground beef

2 medium onions, chopped

29 oz canned stewed tomatoes, Mexican-style (undrained)

2 1/2 cups canned tomato juice

4 oz canned green chili peppers, diced, drained

2 tsp chili powder

1 1/2 cups uncooked macaroni, elbow

31 oz canned pinto beans, drained and rinsed

1/4 cup low-fat shredded cheddar cheese


Coat a large skillet with cooking spray. Cook ground beef and onion over medium-high heat until meat is browned, about 10 minutes; drain off fat.

Stir in undrained stewed tomatoes including juice, tomato juice, chili peppers and chili powder, bring mixture to a boil.

Stir in macaroni and beans, returning to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until macaroni is tender, about 15 minutes. Spoon chili into bowls and sprinkle with cheese. Yields about 1 cup of chili and 1 1/2 teaspoons of cheese per serving.

Recipe taken from Weight Watchers “Make Ahead Soups, Chilies and Stews” series.

{July 1, 2007}   Weigh-in 7/1

– 2.5

I am now in the 150’s! I am so excited. Of course, this means that I will need to readjust my daily points.  My new daily points target is 20!

{June 24, 2007}   Weigh-in 6/24

-1.5 lbs.

It’s been a rough weekend. I have been dealing with some pretty intense depression. Part of that has to do with the fact that my friends are all in relationships and now that the summer is here, I feel lonely. I know its not fair of me to expect them to spend all their free time with me, but I am kinda feeling left out.  I feel like I am going to have to start dating again if I want to have someone to spend time with, but I am just not ready yet.

Also, I looked at myself naked in a full-length mirror yesterday afternoon. I wouldn’t recommend doing this if you are already depressed. LOL  Even though I have lost a lot of weight and I look decent in my clothes, I wonder if I will ever be at peace with my body. Sigh!

{June 17, 2007}   Weigh-in 6/17


 Total since 11/26/06: -44 lbs.

I know this is good, but sometimes I get so frustrated that it isn’t happening faster. My best friend is always quick to point out that I didn’t put the weight on overnight and I am not going to lose it that fast either! I know. I KNOW. But, still…

{June 13, 2007}   Circumstances

I used to be really guilty of allowing circumstances to sabotage my diet. When I first started Weight Watchers I really struggled with trying to find a way to stay on the plan while living in a world that does not always support such noble intentions. I would always lament that every time I tried to do the right thing, someone had a birthday party or there was a luncheon at the office, or I had to go out of town, or I didn’t feel well, or I was depressed, or stressed… You get the idea. Eventually I had to come to the realization that most of these things are outside of my circle of control. However, I am in control of my choices. Therefore, I can choose not to let my circumstances control my actions.

This week I had the opportunity to put this new realization into action. Here are two examples:

First, for some unknown reason I got a really nasty headache yesterday evening. I decided to take a nap and hope it would go away. It didn’t.  Finally I decided that if I was going to have a headache anyway, I might as well get my exercise in. So, I took 2 Aleve, drank a bottle of water and embarked on a 5 mile walk. The amazing thing is that about 3 miles into the walk I realized that I no longer had a headache!

The second opportunity I had this week to put this into action was today. We always have a pot luck luncheon in our office one day each month. In the past I have usually either: a) not participated or b) participated, but resented doing so the entire time. I got an email that this month’s menu was going to be Hot Dogs, Potato Salad,  Macaroni Salad, Sauerkraut, Potato Chips, and Dessert. I was tempted to say, “Thanks, but no thanks.” But, rather than be the outsider, I decided that I could participate with modifications. I couldn’t eat EVERYTHING. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t eat ANYTHING. I brought  my own light franks and I skipped the coleslaw and chili. I had baked chips instead of the fried ones everyone else was having and I said, “no thanks” to dessert. When all was said and done I realized that I didn’t feel that I had been deprived, and I wasn’t angry for being made to “cheat” on my diet.

{June 12, 2007}   Walking Challenge

I signed up for a walking challange at work. It lasts 8 weeks and there are 5 people on my team. Each day we are supposed to record how far we walked and then tally our totals at the end of the contest. The winning team will receive gift certificates.  Yesterday I walked 5 miles.  Our group total was 12 miles.  This evening when I got home I had a killer headache, but knowing that I committed to the challenge and didn’t want to let my team down, I decided to walk anyway. The amazing thing is that about 3/4 of the way through the walking I realized that my headache was gone.   🙂

{June 10, 2007}   It’s time to get serious!

I weighed in today and I am only down a half a pound from last week. I am a little frustrated because I achieved better results when I was on vacation and not tracking my points as closely. But, I do know that sometimes the body does weird things.  So, I am not going to worry about it too much.  What I am going to do is set goal for the coming week.  Here goes:

1. Walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day every day. (We start a walking challenge tomorrow at work, so the competition should be a good motivator).

2. Drink 8 glasses of water per day, minimum.

3. DO get all my fruits and veggies in daily (5-6 servings).

4. Write down EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth!  In other words- “If you bite it, you write it.”

5.  Take my supplements (Fish oil, Vitamins) every day!

{June 10, 2007}   “Hello, Skinny Mini.”

The receptionist at my Weight Watchers meeting made my day this afternoon. When I walked in she exclaimed, “Hello, Skinny Mini! You are looking fantastic!” Now, I know that I am not yet skinny, but it was still a very nice compliment! Don’t get me wrong, I think it is great when my friends and family comment on my weight loss, but when someone else does it is especially nice.  After all,  my friends and family are a little biased,  so they kinda have to say those things!  However, regardless of where the compliments come from, it is always nice to know that people are noticing all the hard work I’ve been doing. 

Do you ever get frustrated when you see someone you haven’t seen in a while and they don’t acknowledge your weight loss? That really bothers me for some reason.  I realize it could be that they DO notice, but don’t know whether it would be appropriate to say anything. Or, they are just really not that observant!

et cetera